Are We Going to See More Available Homes This Year?

Low inventory in the real estate market is all over the news. Most major cities have the lowest inventory they have ever had, causing home prices to escalate at a rapid rate. In order to have a balanced market where the buyers and sellers have equal negotiation power, we need more homes to be available […]
Is the Real Estate Market on Fire or is the Bubble About to Burst?

Home values are increasing at an alarming pace. Some cities like Sacramento, CA and Charlotte, NC have seen over 13% price increases in the last year. Whenever home values suddenly increase, we hear worries of being in a “housing bubble” and that the bubble is going to inevitably “burst.” But what does that really mean? […]
How Mortgage Forbearance Affects You

COVID-19 restrictions put a financial strain on millions of Americans. In an effort to prevent a surge in homelessness, the CARES Act included a mortgage forbearance program. The forbearance allows struggling homeowners to essentially put their mortgage payments on hold. The forbearance was initially only going to run for 360 days but has since been […]
4 Reasons You Shouldn’t Sell Your Home This Year

Many homeowners are asking, “Should I sell my house now? Isn’t it a Seller’s Market? Is it too late to capitalize on this Buyer frenzy?” The truth is this is a loaded question. While it is true that interest rates are low and housing prices continue to climb, there is not a “one size fits […]
How to Sell Your Home for More Than the Appraised Value

John and Jane Hypothetical placed their home on the market and within hours…BAAAMMM… They received multiple offers on their home for as much as $50,000 over their asking price. They were ecstatic! Their agent was a hero. John and Jane began spending the additional money they had by increasing the price point for their new […]
How to Buy and Sell a Home at the Same Time

Selling and buying a home at the same time is difficult in any market. It is a matter of logistics and coordination and requires great flexibility and timeliness in the performance of all parties involved. It is possible if you take care of 3 basic concepts throughout the transaction. 1. Be hyperbolically flexible (Think Advanced Yoga) Your […]
Is a REALTOR® Necessary When Homes are Selling so Fast?

Many people believe you need to hire a REALTOR® when you want to sell your home. Time and time again this has proven to be true. In a fast-paced environment, you need someone that can navigate the unfamiliar waters and advocate on your behalf on all fronts. You wouldn’t hike Mt. Everest without a guide, […]
The Sellers Curb Appeal Checklist

Once you decide to sell your home, it is important to do anything you can to make the home stand out and appeal to potential buyers. One thing you can do is improve upon the exterior of the home for an increased curb appeal. To get started, it is best that you go outdoors and […]
SOLD! 10 Homes That Closed Last Month in Gilbert

When thinking about putting your home on the market many different variables tend to surface, but have you ever thought about which ones are the most important? We put together a list of 10 homes that sold last month. We included their list price, sold price, and the number of bedrooms/baths so when you are […]
2021 Buyer Trends

If you’re selling your home soon, you probably know how important it is that your home is in tip-top shape. Before you pull up easy Pinterest DIY projects that make your home look trendy, consider the features that buyers are actually looking for right now and how you can make sure these features are showcased […]