Highest & Fastest

The LUXRE Highest & Fastest Sales System is designed to pull out all the stops to sell your house for the highest amount of money in the fastest time with the least amount of hassle. We combine the power of digital marketing using 1000’s of real estate websites and social media with traditional marketing efforts of team prospecting and offline marketing. This results in more money in your pocket faster.
Over the years, we’ve had the opportunity to prove and improve our process to offer an unmatched client eXperience
You’ll receive the following benefits in addition to what the typical agent offers:
Market Analysis
A full spectrum market analysis of your home that will provide you with far more information than you will ever want to know about your home and the surrounding area
Professional photographs with staging advice
More Buyers
Pre-marketing to network of over 1,000 active buyers looking for a house now
Custom Mobile Website
Custom Mobile Property Website created for each of our properties
Electronic Flyer
Custom Lawn Sign delivers property information to buyer’s mobile device from the comfort of their vehicle
Online Marketing
Your property is syndicated to over 400+ websites
Active Prospecting
We look for potential buyers through, door knocking in neighborhood, flyer postings and mailers
Online Portal
Personalized secure online account for status updates and transaction details