The Scoop on SPUDS… and We’re Not Talking About Potatoes!

Have you ever heard an agent mention the “SPUDS” perhaps in a side conversation with another agent or maybe even in a conversation with you directly? You might have been a little confused at first and maybe even wondering why your agent is all of the sudden talking about potatoes. (kidding!) In the real estate […]

What To Expect in the 2022 Real Estate Market

Homes for sale in 2021 have flown off the market and sold faster than they ever have before.  Not only did they sell faster, but they also sold for more money than we have ever seen. While this is excellent news for homeowners planning to sell, buyers have been left frustrated, and many decided to […]

4 Reasons Why Selling During the Holidays is Not a Bad Idea

A common misconception in the real estate world is that selling your home during the holidays is not a good idea. While it may be more of an inconvenience trying to plan showings, inspections, and everything else that goes along with selling a house around the holidays, it may end up being worthwhile to your […]

Holiday Design Trends For 2021

This year, holiday design trends are veering away from the usual bright, bold, glittery décor that you might be used to. For the most part, trends for 2021 are much more toned-down and serene while still mixing in some of our sentimental favorites. If you’re hosting some of the festivities this year and need some […]

10 Reasons to Be Thankful You’re a Homeowner

It’s the time of year we get together with those we love and take a moment to reflect on what we’re thankful for. If you are lucky enough to call yourself a Homeowner, then you might even have more to be thankful for this season, than you realize! While we could think of hundreds of […]

How Long Should You Live in a Home Before Selling?

Very few houses turn into “forever” homes. The fact is most people who buy find that their needs change over time, and eventually, they move on.     The National Association of Realtors reports that the average homeowner remains in their house ten years before selling. The most common reasons for selling are a growing family, […]

What is the Sellers Net Sheet, and why should I care?

Selling a home has a lot of moving parts. Knowing how much money you’ll have in your pocket at the end of the transaction so you can plan your next move is important. But with so many fees, it can be challenging to know for sure what to expect. That’s where the seller’s net sheet […]

5 Decluttering Tips for Sellers

5 Decluttering Tips for Sellers

It is amazing how much one can accumulate over the years! If you plan to sell your home, you have likely started to research the first steps to take. One suggestion that comes up over and over is decluttering your home. Decluttering makes the home look nicer and even smell better since there are not […]

What Could Possibly Go Wrong When Owning a Vacation Rental?

Short-term vacation rentals have been becoming more and more popular. Many vacationers opt to skip out on the traditional hotel and rent a home with more space and better amenities. Landlords are also choosing to use their investment property as a vacation rental instead of a long-term rental. The amount they can charge in rent […]

How Mortgage Forbearance Affects You

COVID-19 restrictions put a financial strain on millions of Americans. In an effort to prevent a surge in homelessness, the CARES Act included a mortgage forbearance program. The forbearance allows struggling homeowners to essentially put their mortgage payments on hold. The forbearance was initially only going to run for 360 days but has since been […]